- 发布日期:2024-11-21 15:42 点击次数:64
热心「岛鸣国外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」
如若你正在寻找加勒比海地区高性价比的未缔造私东说念主岛屿,那么本期推选的Cat Cay和Little Channel Cay无疑是极具劝诱力的投资礼聘。
If you're seeking high-value, undeveloped private islands in the Caribbean, the recommended Cat Cay and Little Channel Cay are both exceptional investment opportunities.
Cat Cay位于贝里群岛的南端,左右Whale Cay和Bird Cay,该地区以其优质的渔场、未缔造的海滩和丰富的水下生态而有名,是潜水、浮潜和垂纶醉心者的天国。该岛通过私东说念主飞机或船只能任性抵达,且距Chub Cay也不远,后者设有5000英尺跑说念、餐厅、船埠及海关处事,确保了纯粹的往还。
Cat Cay is located at the southern tip of the Berry Islands, near Whale Cay and Bird Cay. Known for its prime fishing grounds, undeveloped beaches, and rich underwater ecosystems, the area is a paradise for diving, snorkeling, and fishing enthusiasts. The island is easily accessible by private plane or boat, and is also not far from Chub Cay, which offers a 5,000-foot runway, restaurants, docks, and customs services, ensuring convenient access.
该岛总面积约30英亩,由低矮沙丘和热带植被组成,领有疲塌的沙滩和活泼的海域,水质泄漏透明,顺应多种水上活动。由于周围未大鸿沟缔造,Cat Cay保捏原始当然风貌,迥殊顺应打造私东说念主挥霍度假村或住宅。跟着贝里群岛手脚度假投资地的逐渐升温,Cat Cay凭借其笼罩性和当然条款,具备极高的升值后劲。
Covering approximately 30 acres, Cat Cay features low sand dunes and tropical vegetation, with soft sandy beaches and clear surrounding waters. The crystal-clear waters make it ideal for a variety of water activities. With limited development in the surrounding area, the island retains its pristine natural beauty, making it an ideal location for a private luxury resort or residence. As the Berry Islands gain popularity as a resort investment destination, Cat Cay, with its seclusion and natural appeal, presents significant potential for appreciation.
This is a freehold private island, currently listed at $3 million.
Little Channel Cay 位于长岛中心肠带,围聚主要口岸,交通便利。长岛以原始当然景不雅和低密度缔造模式著称,劝诱了寻求阴私和宁静的投资者。该岛距长岛主要交通要津迥殊近,方便赶赴其他岛屿及原土区域,交通纯粹,是理思的度假竖当场。
Little Channel Cay is situated in the heart of Long Island, close to the main port, offering excellent accessibility. Long Island is renowned for its pristine natural landscapes and low-density development model, attracting investors seeking privacy and tranquility. The island is conveniently located near Long Island’s main transportation hub, providing easy access to other islands and mainland areas, making it an ideal location for resort development.
该岛出售面积约44英亩,地势平坦,主要由沙滩和浅水区组成,周围海域顺应游水、浮潜、划艇等水上活动,水质泄漏,生态环境保捏考究。跟着巴哈马劝诱更多国外投资,长岛手脚相对未缔造区域,营业缔造尚处初期,因此Little Channel Cay领有浩大的升值后劲和异日发展空间。
With approximately 44 acres for sale, the island features flat terrain, mainly consisting of sandy beaches and shallow waters, with surrounding waters perfect for swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, and other water activities. The crystal-clear waters and well-preserved ecosystem make it a prime location for those seeking an idyllic escape. As the Bahamas continues to attract international investment, Long Island, still relatively undeveloped, offers substantial growth potential, and Little Channel Cay stands out as a property with significant value appreciation and development opportunities.
This island is also a freehold private property, currently priced at $1.5 million. If you're interested in either of these exceptional islands, please feel free to contact us for further details (WeChat: GD-Karen).
Thank you for your time. Until next time!
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Global Domain 「岛鸣国外」是私东说念主岛屿生计风光的意见者,致力于于提供各人范围内着实灵验的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套处事。在后疫情和地缘政事突破风险加大的新期间布景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求建议翻新性的科罚有谈判。